Legal notice
The present text constitutes the Legal Notice of the website owned by YUDAYA S.L.
(hereinafter, YUDAYA), located at the URL:
It is an entity whose registered office is located at Carretera del Rincón S/N, 4ªplanta,
Centro Comercial Las Arenas. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35010, CIF: B-35809789
and registered in the Mercantile Register of Las Palmas, Volume: 1707, Book: 0, Page:
99, Section: 8 and Page: GC 32696, 1st Inscription.
The use of the website attributes the condition of user and implies the acceptance of all
the conditions and terms of use included in this Legal Notice.
Users are recommended to carefully read this Legal Notice periodically, as the
conditions of use of the same, contained in the aforementioned Notice, may undergo
YUDAYA reserves the right to unilaterally modify the conditions and terms of use of
this website. Any such changes will be published visibly on the website, indicating the
date of the last update at the top of the document. If you continue to make use of the
services provided on the website, once the conditions of use of the same have been
modified, it will be understood that you accept the modifications made to the same.
This Legal Notice regulates the access and use of the Content offered by YUDAYA
through its Websites. However, YUDAYA reserves the right to modify the presentation,
configuration and content of the Website and the Services, as well as the conditions
required for access and/or use. Access to and use of the Content and Services after the
entry into force of the modifications or changes in the conditions imply acceptance of
the same.
However, access to certain content and the use of certain services may be subject to
certain Special Conditions, which, depending on the case, will replace, complete and/or
modify this Legal Notice, or the General Conditions and, where applicable, the
contradictory terms of the Special Conditions will prevail over the General Conditions
and the Legal Notice.
Simple access, browsing and use of the Website entails and implies acceptance by the
User of this Legal Notice.
In this sense, User shall be understood to be the person who accesses, browses or views
the contents hosted on the Website and Registered User shall be understood to be the
person who accesses, browses and registers to use, host and/or download the Contents
and/or use the Website Services.
Access to and browsing through the Website does not require registration, except that in
order to make use of certain functionalities and/or services it will be necessary to
provide the required data, such as name and e-mail address.
Access to and browsing of the Website by minors under 14 years of age is prohibited,
unless they have the prior and express authorisation of their parents, guardians or legal
representatives, who shall be held responsible for the acts carried out by the minors in
their care, in accordance with current legislation. In any case, it shall be presumed that
access by a minor to the Website has been made with the prior and express authorisation
of their parents, guardians or legal representatives.
By registering on this website, all users accept this legal notice and the conditions of use
set out
herein, as well as the Privacy Policy. The User undertakes to:
1. Accept and comply with the provisions of this Legal Notice, the Privacy Policy
and any documents that form an integral part of these.
2. The user undertakes not to carry out activities contrary to Spanish law,
especially with regard to actions constituting crimes according to the Penal
If the user accesses or makes use of the service offered outside Spain, he/she
acknowledges that he/she is solely responsible for complying with the applicable
local laws.
3. By registering on the website, the user acknowledges:
- Being of legal age or, in the case of minors, being represented by a parent/legal
guardian who declares to know and consent to the registration of his/her
child/represented person on this website
- Being a bona fide user of the service offered
- That by using the service he/she does not infringe any rights of YUDAYA or
any third party.
4. Not to store, communicate or disseminate through the Website, contents that are
contrary to current legislation, morality, public order, as well as those that are
defamatory, aggressive, obscene, sexually explicit, offensive, violent or inciting
to violence, racist or xenophobic, or in general illegal or harmful to the rights
and/or physical and/or moral integrity of persons.
5. Register and provide true, accurate, truthful and updated personal data. The user
is responsible for the maintenance of his/her profile and for the safekeeping of
his/her access codes, as well as for any possible damage or harm that may be
caused by the unauthorised use of the same.
6. To inform, in the event that data of a third party is provided, of the aspects
contained in the Privacy Policy, as well as to obtain their authorisation to
provide their personal data to YUDAYA for the purposes described in the
7. Not to exploit or use commercially, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any
of the contents that form part of the website. Unless previously authorised in
writing by YUDAYA.
8. Not to disseminate the personal data of other Users of the Website without their
express prior authorisation. Not to create a false identity or register a profile in
the name of another person or any other form of use of another person's identity,
in particular impersonation.
9. Not to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate any rights of
other Users or any other persons.
10. Not to remove or attempt to remove any security measures adopted and
implemented on the Website.
11. Not to tamper with the hardware and software necessary for the use of the
12. Make diligent use of your password and keep it secret, not transmitting it to any
third party.
13. Not to cede the use of identifiers and passwords to third parties, either
temporarily or permanently, nor to allow access to them to third parties.
14. Immediately notify the Website managers of any event that allows the improper
use of identifiers and passwords, such as theft, loss, or unauthorised access to
them, in order to proceed to their immediate cancellation.
15. Comply with the provisions of the legislation in force.
All the information contained in this website, as well as its graphic design and the codes
used, are protected by copyright or other applicable intellectual or industrial property
YUDAYA, is the owner or has obtained the corresponding licence for the exploitation
rights of the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as the
intellectual and industrial property rights over the information and materials contained,
the structure, selection, organisation and presentation of its Contents, Services and
products available through the Website, as well as the computer programmes used in
relation to the Website.
Access, browsing, use, hosting and/or downloading of Content and/or use of the
Website's Services by the User shall in no case be understood as a waiver, transmission,
licence or total or partial transfer of the aforementioned rights by YUDAYA or, where
applicable, by the holder of the corresponding rights. The User only has a strictly
private right of use, exclusively for the purpose of enjoying the services of the Service.
Consequently, it is forbidden to remove, evade or manipulate the copyright notice and
any other data identifying the rights of YUDAYA or their respective owners
incorporated into the Content and/or Services, as well as the technical protection
devices or any information and/or identification mechanisms that may be contained
In particular, it is strictly forbidden to use the Contents of the Website for inclusion, in
whole or in part, on other websites outside the Website without the prior written
authorisation of the owners of the Website.
References to names and commercial or registered trademarks, logos or other distinctive
signs, whether owned by YUDAYA or by third parties, imply a prohibition on their use
without the consent of companies in the YUDAYA, S.L. or their legitimate owners. At
no time, unless expressly stated, does access to or use of the Website and/or its Content
and/or Services, grant the User any rights over the brands, logos and/or distinctive signs
included therein, which are protected by Law.
All intellectual and industrial property rights are reserved and, in particular, it is
forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, communicate publicly,
make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use,
process or distribute in any way all or part of the Content and products included in the
Website for public or commercial purposes, without the express written authorisation of
YUDAYA or, where appropriate, of the owner of the corresponding rights.
In the event that the User sends information of any kind to YUDAYA
through the Website, through the channels provided for this purpose
on the Website itself, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that
he/she has the right to do so freely, that said information does not
infringe any intellectual property right, trademark, patent, trade secret
or any other third party right, that said information is not confidential
and that said information is not harmful to third parties.
The User acknowledges that he/she assumes responsibility and will
hold YUDAYA harmless for any communication that he/she provides
personally or in his/her name, with said responsibility covering without
restriction the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of the
YUDAYA works to keep the content of the website up to date,
although it cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness or veracity of
the services or information provided through the Website, nor the
usefulness or veracity of the documentation of events that may be
accessible through the Website and for which a third party is
responsible. YUDAYA does not guarantee the veracity nor is it
responsible for any consequences that may arise from errors in the
content provided by third parties that may appear on this website.
The user shall be solely responsible for any infringements that may be
incurred or damages that may be caused to third parties due to
improper or illegitimate use of the website.
Consequently, YUDAYA does not guarantee and is not responsible for:
(i) the continuity of the Website's content; (ii) the absence of errors in
said content or products; (iii) the absence of viruses and/or other
harmful components on the Website or on the server that supplies it;
(iv) the invulnerability of the Website and/or the impregnability of the
security measures adopted therein; (v) the lack of usefulness or
performance of the Website's content and products; (vi) any damage
or harm caused, to themselves or to a third party, by any person who
infringes the conditions, rules and instructions that YUDAYA
establishes on the Website or through the violation of the Website's
security systems.
Nevertheless, YUDAYA declares that it has adopted all necessary
measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to
guarantee the functioning of the Website and to avoid the existence
and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users. If
the User becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illicit,
illegal, contrary to the law or that could involve an infringement of
intellectual and/or industrial property rights, he/she must notify
YUDAYA immediately so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate
The links do not necessarily represent the existence of a relationship
between YUDAYA and the individuals and entities that own the pages
to which they provide access, nor do they represent a
recommendation, promotion or identification of YUDAYA with the
statements, content or services provided through them. YUDAYA
reserves the right to withdraw unilaterally and at any time the links
that appear on its website.
YUDAYA accepts no responsibility for the cookies that third parties
may install on the hard drive of the user's computer.
8.1. Links to other websites
In the event that, on the Website, the User could find links to other
websites through different buttons, links, banners, etc., these would be
managed by third parties. YUDAYA has neither the power nor the
human or technical means to know, control or approve all the
information, content, products or services provided by other websites
to which links may be established from the Website.
Consequently, YUDAYA cannot assume any type of responsibility for
any aspect related to the website to which a link may be established
from the Website, specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access,
data, information, files, quality and reliability of its products and
services, its own links and/or any of its contents, in general.
In this sense, if Users have effective knowledge of the unlawfulness of
activities carried out through these third party websites, they must
immediately inform YUDAYA so that the link to the website can be
The establishment of any kind of link from the Website to another
Website does not imply that there is any kind of relationship,
collaboration or dependence between YUDAYA and the party
responsible for the external Website.
8.2. Links on other websites to the Website
If any User, entity or Web Site wishes to establish any kind of link to
the Web Site, it must comply with the following stipulations:
The link can only be directed to the Website's Home Page, unless
expressly authorised in writing by YUDAYA.
The link must be absolute and complete, that is to say, it must take the
User, by means of a click, to the URL address of the Website itself and
must completely cover the entire extension of the screen of the
Website's Home Page. Under no circumstances, unless expressly
authorised in writing by YUDAYA, may the Website that makes the
link reproduce, in any way, the Website, include it as part of its
Website or within one of its frames or create a browser on any of the
Website's pages.
The page that establishes the link may not state in any way that
YUDAYA has authorised such a link, unless it has done so expressly
and in writing. If the entity that makes the link from its page to the
Website correctly wishes to include the brand, name, commercial
name, sign, logo, slogan or any other type of identifying element of
YUDAYA and/or the Website on its website, it must have prior express
written authorisation from YUDAYA.
YUDAYA does not authorise the establishment of a link to the Website
from those web pages that contain materials, information or contents
that are illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene and, in general, that
contravene morality, public order or generally accepted social norms.
8.3. Services provided by third parties via the Website
YUDAYA does not guarantee the legality, reliability and usefulness of
the services provided, of the Contents supplied by third parties
through this website or those on which YUDAYA only acts as an
advertising channel.
YUDAYA shall not be liable for damages of any kind caused by the
services provided, the Contents of third parties that are advertised
through the Website, and in particular, by way of example, those
caused by:
Failure to comply with the law, morality or public order.
The incorporation of viruses or any other computer code, files
or programs that may damage, interrupt or impede the
normal operation of any software, hardware or
telecommunications equipment.
Infringement of Intellectual and Industrial Property rights, or of
contractual commitments of any kind.
The performance of acts constituting unlawful, misleading or
unfair advertising and, in general, constituting unfair
The lack of truthfulness, accuracy, quality, relevance and/or
timeliness of the Content transmitted, disseminated, stored,
received, obtained, made available or accessible.
Infringement of the rights to honour, personal and family
privacy and personal image or, in general, any type of third
party rights.
Inadequacy for any kind of purpose and the disappointment of
the expectations generated, or the vices and defects that
could be generated in the relationship with third parties.
Non-performance, delayed performance, defective
performance or termination for any reason of obligations
contracted by third parties and contracts made with third
The communication of data between Users.
YUDAYA will not be responsible, in cases where third parties advertise
their services and/or Content on the Website, for the veracity of the
information provided by the provider about said services and/or
Content, for obtaining the administrative authorisations that may be
required of the provider for the provision of its services, for the
infringement by the provider of third party rights and, in general, for
any obligation or guarantee that the provider may be required to
provide to Users.
YUDAYA does not have the power or human or technical resources to
know, control or approve all the information, content, products or
services provided by other websites that have established links to the
Website. YUDAYA assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any
aspect related to the Website that establishes a link to the Website,
specifically, but not limited to, its operation, access, data, information,
files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links
and/or any of its contents, in general.
YUDAYA may use cookies when accessing this website. Cookies are
used to obtain information about the frequency of visits, the most
selected content, geographical location, as well as other data in order
to optimise and improve browsing on the Website.
Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information about the
preferences determined by a user during his or her visit to a particular
website. This information is recorded in small files that are stored on
the user's computer equipment in an unnoticeable way. Each time the
user accesses the web page in question again, these files are
automatically activated so that the page is configured with the
preferences indicated during previous visits. In short, cookies are
physical files containing personal information stored in the user's own
terminal and unequivocally associated with this terminal. Cookies
cannot read cookie files created by other websites.
Users can configure their browser to prevent the creation of cookie
files or to warn them when this occurs. The website is accessible
without the need for the options relating to cookie files to be
activated, although this may prevent the correct functioning of
security mechanisms for exclusive services or certain services that
require greater security. As a general rule, the purpose of the cookie
files on the website is to facilitate the user's browsing.
You can consult our Cookies Policy at: [].
YUDAYA reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the portal
and/or the services offered without prior notice, at its own request or
at the request of a third party, to those users who do not comply with
this Legal Notice.
YUDAYA reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions
that violate the respect for the dignity of the person, that are
discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that threaten youth
or childhood, public order or safety or that, in its opinion, are not
appropriate for publication or that violate Spanish law.
The Privacy Policy of
is determined by the provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY document.
YUDAYA may modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein,
totally or partially, by publishing any change in the same way in which
this Legal Notice appears or through any type of communication
addressed to Users.
The temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides, therefore, with
the time of its exposure, until they are totally or partially modified, at
which time the modified Legal Notice will come into force.
Regardless of the provisions of the specific conditions, YUDAYA may
terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice,
access to the contents of the website, without the User being able to
claim any compensation whatsoever. After such termination, the
prohibitions on the use of the contents set out above in this Legal
Notice shall remain in force.
The headings of the various clauses are for information purposes only,
and shall not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of the Legal
In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of this Legal
Notice and the particular conditions of each specific service, the
provisions of the latter shall prevail.
In the event that any provision or provisions of this Legal Notice shall
be held invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, by any Court,
Tribunal or competent administrative body, such invalidity or
unenforceability shall not affect the other provisions of this Legal
The failure of YUDAYA to exercise or enforce any right or provision
contained in this Legal Notice shall not constitute a waiver of the
same, unless YUDAYA acknowledges and agrees to the same in
YUDAYA will pursue the breach of this Legal Notice as well as any
improper use of its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions
that may correspond to it by law. YUDAYA reserves the right to
exercise all possible actions under Spanish law.
YUDAYA will be able to inform and collaborate with the competent
police and judicial authorities if it detects any infringement of current
legislation or if it suspects a criminal offence or misdemeanour.
In compliance with Spanish law, YUDAYA undertakes to carry out this
task with the maximum possible diligence in accordance with its
technical capabilities.
The relationship established between YUDAYA and the User shall be
governed by the provisions of the current regulations regarding
applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction. However, for those
cases in which the regulations foresee the possibility of the parties
submitting to a jurisdiction, YUDAYA and the User, expressly waiving
any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, will submit any
disputes and/or litigation to the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria.
The unauthorised use of the information contained in this website, its
resale, as well as any breach of YUDAYA's Intellectual or Industrial
Property rights, will give rise to the legally established responsibilities.
The use of the services offered by the web will imply the
full and unreserved acceptance, and the validity, of each and every
one of the terms or general conditions (which will be considered
automatically incorporated in the contract signed with YUDAYA, S.L., without the need for their written transcription therein)
contained in the latest updated version of these terms and/or general
conditions. To do so, the client must provide his/her personal data
(name and surname*, address, post code, town, country*, e-mail*
and/or telephone; see marked with * for obligatory data), as well as the
data of a credit card of his/her ownership (type of card, credit card
number and expiry date), the use of which will depend on the form of
payment chosen by the client from among the options offered. Credit
card details will not be requested if payment is made by bank transfer.
By filling in the personal data form in any of the following contracting
processes, the holder of such data authorises YUDAYA, S.L. to use and
process the personal data provided in an automated manner in order
to proceed with the requested reservation and/or manage YUDAYA's
internal or external services. Customers who make a reservation are
informed that their personal data will be communicated to the
destination hotel in order to manage the reservation and guarantee its
16.1. Procurement procedure
When using the service, after having entered your details and, where
applicable, your credit card details:
The booking will be confirmed through the website with your
booking code, and a screen will appear with detailed
information about the booking.
An e-mail confirming the booking will be sent to the e-mail
address provided by the client with detailed information
about the booking. The electronic contracting process shall
be concluded, and the booking service shall be deemed to
have been contracted, on:
Payment of the contracted service at the hotel: upon receipt of
the confirmation e-mail.
The cases of on-line payment of the contracted service: as soon
as the positive charge is made on the card provided by the
In the event of payment by bank transfer: as soon as the
receipt of payment of 100% of the booking amount is
received, always within a maximum period of 14 days after the
on-line booking is made.
16.2. Forms of payment
1. Payment of the contracted service at the hotel: in this case, the
credit card details provided by the client will be used as a
guarantee, without any charge being made to the credit card for
the contracted services. Payment for the room and/or
contracted services shall be made by the client at the hotel at
the time of check-in.
2. On-line payment of the contracted service: this form of payment
involves the automatic charge to the credit card, whose details
have been provided by the client beforehand, of the amount
corresponding to the room/s and/or services contracted.
Consequently, the choice of on-line payment implies the
provision of consent, both for the reservation and for its
3. Payment by bank transfer: this form of payment is offered as an
alternative to credit card payment in some hotels, and consists
of the prepayment of 100% of the total amount of the
reservation via bank transfer to the current account that will be
provided to the client during the electronic contracting process.
The transfer must be made within a maximum period of 14 days
from the on-line booking. If the transfer is not made within this
period and/or the payment notification has not been sent to the
fax number indicated in the reservation, the reservation will be
automatically cancelled. The contract shall be deemed to have
been concluded with the receipt of the bank transfer payment.
4. Payment in cash at the reception.
However, the method of payment shall be specifically indicated for
each specific service.
16.3. Cancellation regime
The cancellation of the reservation can be made by telephone,
through the information and reservations number indicated on the
website, or on-line, just as the reservation was made. The cancellation
of the booking can be made free of charge:
1. Up to 18:00 on the two days prior to the day of arrival. Otherwise,
the cancellation charges will be identified in their amounts with
the compensation in the event of the client's no-show at the
hotel (see Compensation Scheme).
If the prepayment was made by bank transfer, the hotel will
request payment by invoice. The customer expressly authorises
this with the acceptance of these conditions.
2. The contracting of offers, except those in which the contrary is
specified, cannot be cancelled or modified at any time, and the
client must pay the full amount, whether or not he/she enjoys
the services. If the client does not check in at the hotel, the
amount will be charged to the credit card whose details were
provided by the client on the initial form. If the prepayment was
made by bank transfer, the hotel may request payment by
invoice. The customer expressly authorises this by accepting
these terms and conditions. The invoice for the amount of the
cancellation charges will be sent to the address given by the
customer at the time of registration.
16.4. Compensation in the event of the customer's failure to arrive
at the hotel
If the customer does not check in at the hotel on the day of arrival, in
accordance with his/her reservation, the hotel may charge the credit
card (whose details it has received from the customer in advance), as
compensation, the amount of the first night booked.
16.5. In case of unforeseen departures
In case of unforeseen departure, the client will be refunded the
amount corresponding to total income minus room / services
In this case, the following procedure shall apply:
A credit note will be issued for the days not consumed and
The amount not consumed will be refunded using the same
payment method in which the prepayment was made.
If the prepayment is returned at the reception desk, the customer
must sign the corresponding credit note.
If the prepayment was made by bank transfer, the hotel may request
payment by invoice.
YUDAYA, S.L., 2024 ©All rights reserved.